Martin Luther understood vocation as a Christian's place of responsibility before God and for others in the world. One of the critical aspects of Luther's view of vocation was that we represent God to others in our service to them. My mantra in life has always been to strive to live my life in a way to love God and love others. Generally speaking, vocation is how Christians are to live in the world.
Martin Luther’s view on vocation is that we exercise our priestly vocation by serving others where God has placed us in life: at home, at work, in the church, and in the community. Faith is active in love, in the smallest and most insignificant things in everyday life.
My flight attendant training in Atlanta, GA begins towards the end of April and will last for just over 7 weeks and then I will be traveling the country and world where my life will intersect with more people than I can ever imagine.
I look forward to the opportunities I will have to love people where they are, listen, to serve and to live my vocation in this world, literally all over the world. I’m thankful for supportive family and friends who are all along for the adventure!
I look forward to the opportunities I will have to love people where they are, listen, to serve and to live my vocation in this world, literally all over the world. I’m thankful for supportive family and friends who are all along for the adventure!
God is already at work in our everyday lives here and now. All of us have vocations that are truly unique. Our task and challenge is to give expression to our faith in the concrete situations where God has placed us and to not get caught in the mundane tasks in our daily lives. As I take on this new adventure, my prayer is that I may continue to live my vocation in this world, to love God and to love my neighbor and to keep this as my focus.
As I go, as you go, as we go onward in life, I share a blessing that is near and dear to my heart:
Life is short,
And we do not have much time
to gladden the hearts of those who make the journey with us.
So . . . be swift to love, and make haste to be kind.
And the blessing of God,
who made us, who loves us, and who travels with us
be with you now and forever. Amen.
Noel!! I am soo excited for you! This is wonderful! I hope we can get together soon!