Sunday, May 3, 2020

Flight Attendant Perspective: Life Changes—What Remains the same?

   6 years ago my journey went from serving in ministry of the Church to training to be a flight attendant.  A stewardess.  A sky waitress... Whatever you want to call the job.  Little did I know how my life would drastically transform.  Today my life as a flight attendant during a pandemic is a lot different than when i started flying 6 short years ago.  What are my flight attendant stats after 6 years?  I’ve flown 1,664,571 miles on 726 different flights, had 254 layovers, with 124 of those somewhere across the ocean.  I have encountered hundreds of thousands of people over the past 6 years, in close quarters.

What is happening in the world?  People are scared.  People are living in fear and uncertainty every single day.  We have no idea what tomorrow may bring and we have no idea what the future looks like.

There is a duo known as Tangled Blue and they have a song called  “I Will Not Let You Go.” This song has become a mantra for me during the quarantine.  I close my eyes and imagine God singing to me... the feelings that surround me are feelings of comfort and peace during such uncertainty, a reminder to remain calm and take things day by day.

Some of the Lyrics that can offer a sense of hope: 

“Seed blown by the wind.  Buried in winter and frozen... remember the water that graced your head.  Rain in the spring that brings life from what’s dead...The season will pass but My promise will remain....No matter what. No matter what may come..... no matter what may come I will not let you go.  

There is death, Uncertainty and unknowns all around and there is a baptismal promise from God that no matter what... we will not be let go.

Am I confused?  Angry?  Let down?  Yes.... most of all I miss time with people I love.  I miss traveling and being in a metal tube with strangers having normal conversations, now we make distant eye contact and keep distance between us.  Again, close your eyes and listen to these lyrics, imagine God speaking to you.

“Child bitter with rage... blind and broken under this weight ..... seek me first and you will find righteousness for your heart and peace for your mind.... “ (Tangled Blue, song “I will Not Let You Go”)

Life as a flight attendant is different now, but my purpose remains the same from when I started flying six years ago.   I am still called to love God and love others.... I am here to make people feel welcomed and cared for when the least expect it.  I don’t walk around shouting Jesus loves you...I simple share the love of Jesus by being present, being kind and treating everyone I encounter with dignity and respect—every customer and every crew member, every flight.  

Yes our world is different now... but God tells us that no matter what may come our way, He will not let us go.  God’s love for you, for us, for this whole world remains the same. Our call to share Gods love by how we live remains the same.    No matter what may come our way... May we find the peace and hope that God gives each one of us and may we all find ways to share that peace and hope in this world.

Go forth knowing that you make a difference by who you are and who God has called you to be.  Make a difference in this world by how you live and how you love.  

To listen to the song “I Will Not Let You Go” by Tangled Blue: