The most I ever swam growing up, was taking advanced beginner swim lessons back when I was under the age of 10. I played golf in high school and through college. I was never a runner; and in elementary school I would cry because I had to run in P.E. class. Growing up I rode my bike around the farm, on the dirt roads and on the ramps we would create out of cement blocks and two by fours.
July 2011 |
Lately, I have heard too many people say, "I'll work up to it", or "maybe someday". Let me say, NOW IS THE TIME to believe in yourself that you do have courage, to step up to your goal and THEN work up to it. Two years ago, I stepped up to a master swim class, when I had minimal ability to actually swim but I had determination. I finally decided that I shouldn't work up on my own to try and swim, I'm just gonna show up and figure out how I can get better. Because I stepped up with determination, I was able to work up to my goal of learning to swim.
Through all this, I have found that the best way to work up to some goal or dream, is to be surrounded by people who support you, walk with you and teach you along the way. Looking towards 2014, don't worry about working up to something or being good enough to do something, step up with determination and believe in yourself, change your mindset from 'I can't' or 'sometime day I will' to NOW IS THE TIME because with determination and commitment, YOU CAN!
Once you step up to your goal, don't lose your discipline and determination and do all that you do with a purpose. "The conscious practice of routines leads to the unconscious habits of success," (Book: Mind Gym pg. 166).
Two years ago, I was struggling to swim 300 yards, today I swam 3800 yards. It wasn't my olympic swimming abilities or speed that got me there, it was my determination and commitment that got me there. Step up, show up and work up to your goal with determination--don't wait until you feel qualified or good enough. Now is the time, you have the ability to step up to your goal, to show up and work towards your goal with determination and commitment--this is foundational for your goals in 2014.