Greetings y'all!
I have finally started a blog after sending out many e-mails over the last four years as I have really just lived life as I like to say, "Just Following Jesus"--hence the name of my blog. I learned that you must become creative about your blog name these days, cause apparently every other name I tried was already taken by the many bloggers in the world.
Why a blog anyway? I tend to live life just following Jesus and that is why I have been on an adventure in life--that's how I've ended up living in places like Alaska, Colorado, or New York City and have visited everywhere in between. I LOVE TO PONDER about experiences or conversations and blogging or sending my emails encourages me to do so--being that I have slacked off with my emails since moving to Texas, a blog is going to be my new outlet. You really get more out of life when you let yourself ponder.
Why should you read? Well, I absolutely love to experience life, share the adventure and hear what you have to think, or maybe how you see God in your surrounds and experience--and from my e-mails the past few years, I've heard many great stories and thoughts from people--this is keeping in touch and staying connected, all people that I've met in life and throughout my adventures matter to me and have influence who I am today--I want to stay connected.
Do I have to comment? Well, no, but I do loving hearing from you--just to say hello is good!
I am alright that no one reads my blog, but really, at least take time to think about life, about what you are experience and where you see God--all this will give you a new lens to how you see the world and to how you live life in this world.
I look to update my blog as thoughts and experience happen--Just following Jesus is not a formula of deadlines, Just following Jesus is simple saying, 'Here I am, ready for what's to come' and I am Just going to follow Jesus wherever I am called!
Working at a church, going to seminary part-time (for my master degree in Children, Youth, & Family Ministry), and living life in Texas has many thoughts and adventures, bookmark my blog and jump on the journey!
Peace be this Journey.